Vaser Liposuction


1. What is liposuction?

Liposuction is the process of removal the subcutaneous fat from different zones of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, love handles, back, waist, hips, inner part of thigh, legs and knees, hands, with special devices.

2. How much fat can be taken during the surgery?

First of all, we would like to draw your attantion that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery, the main goal is the body shaping. In order to identify the volume to be removed we should also consider the BMI (body mass index). Safe solution for your health is not to exceed the volume of 8000cc during the liposuction. In case the volume of the extracted fat is above the mentioned figure it can generate a number of vital complication risks. Therefore, this surgery is not suitable for every patient.

3. For which patients is liposuction suitable?

It is ideal for patients (both male and female) who has reached the minimum age of 18 years old with local fat accumulation in certain areas (e.g. waist circumference), non-obese patients, as well as without excess and sagging skin. The body is tried to be put into a certain shape with liposuction surgery, this is not a method of losing weight as it was previously mentioned. The liposuction can not replace diet and exercise, it does not lead to a significant reduction in body weight.

4. Does skin sag in the areas where fat was removed after liposuction?

This question is very important and the most frequently asked. Patient selection is therefore very important. If this method is applied to overweight and obese patients, of course, skin sagging will occur. The second important point is that some devices are used in the surgery to prevent these sagging skin. Vaser and J-plasma are the two devices we use most frequently to prevent skin sagging.

5. What exactly does Vaser and J-plasma do?

I tell my patients, «Imagine that you are too thin and falling to S size when wearing an XL dress and imagine how the dress will look on you when you try to wear the same dress again. The dress will look very loose and even wrinkled on you. This is exactly what happens in liposuction surgery, the fat is drained but your skin is the same width (size). Now take this XL dress and wash it in very hot water, you will observe that the dress is shrank. That's exactly what Vaser and J-plasma do». They interfere with the collagen and dermis layers into the skin and provide narrowing and tightening of the skin. In case one of these two devices is not used, the result of the liposuction may cause lead to frustration.

6. Is it possible to do liposuction with muscle drawing (six-pack / four-pack)?

Yes, we can draw the desired style in the abdominal region in appropriate patients, and make some muscle structures more prominent.

7. Will fat accumulate again in places that were previously susceptible to liposuction?

Generally NO, but very very small accumulation may appear in areas where liposuction was applied.

8. What should I bear in mind after the surgery and when can I return to my daily life?

The operation must be performed under the general anesthesia and in a full-fledged hospital. Normally you have to stay in the hospital for 1 night. After the surgery you will have drainages that will be removed within 2-3 days. The specific corset is put on the patient at the end of the surgery. We recommend to use this corset for 1.5 months.

Be prepared for the fact that after the operation you will not see the result immediately. After surgery, swelling, bruising and pain are inevitable. To fully appreciate your new body, be patient: you will have to wait 1,5 - 2 months until the body finally returns to normal.

The shower can be taken after 5 days. Starting from the 5th day our dietitian gives you the special diet instructions based on your individual characteristics.

We recommend to have rest within first 5-7 days. In 1 week the light excercises can be started as well as you can come back to your daily life.

In 2-3 weeks you can start all kind of sport activities following the recommendation received from us.

To fix the effect after liposuction, we might also prescribe courses of massage, mesotherapy and physiotherapy to reduce the swelling.

9. When can I get an appointment?

Phone; +90 212 282 27 78

Whatsapp; +90 534 369 48 07