1.How many times do I need to have an examination before nose job?
You have at least 2 examinations before rhinoplasty. The first one is the pre-interview, the second or sometimes the third is called the last call. During the pre-interview you nose is examined in regards to ,the formal or functional problems and general information about the operation process is given. The last interview takes place approximately one week before the surgery, the simulations (future look of your nose) is prepared, final preparations about before and after surgery are done in details.
2. How many hours does the surgery take, which technique is performed and how is our hospital process?
Depending on the additional procedures to be operated or the condition of your nose, the surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours. The method of the access is decided based on the structure of your nose and the existing problems during the consultation. You need to stay in the hospital for 1 night after the surgery.
3.Is the post-operative process very painful and after how many days can I return to my daily life?
Rhinoplasty is a completely painless process in 99% of patients. Some patients have a headache due to anestesia only on the first night after surgery. Your 1st cast is chnaged and tampons are removed in 1 week after the surgery. The second cast is removed 5 days later. Normally, most patients can return to their daily life in one week after surgery.
4. Is there a lot of swelling and bruising after surgery?
Although almost everyone has swelling that gradually increases in the first 3 days after the surgery, these swelling goes down starting from the 3rd day and your face returns to normal already during the first week. Although bruising does not occur in every patient, your skin structure and your skin's reaction to trauma are very important. In case the bruising occured, it will disappear completely in 7-10 days. I use Bienair motor system together with Piezzo ultrasonic system during the surgeries. Hammer and nail file operations have not been used for more than 5 years.
5. Will I have breathing problems after surgery?
Although you may occasionally have nasal obstructions due to crusts and stitches in the nose for 6 months in the postoperative period, this situation is not permanent. Your allergic condition before the surgery will not be relieved by this surgery. Rhinoplasty surgery is not the solution for your nasal congestion during allergy periods.
6. I live outside of Istanbul, how will my surgery process be?
Patients coming from outside Istanbul are required to stay in Istanbul for 7-8 days in the postoperative period. The final pre-operative examinations of these patients are performed 1-2 days before the operation.
7. How is our control process and how many times do we have to come to control?
Normally we have 3 control periods for each patient in average. First check is held between 1st and 3rd months, second – between 6-9 months, third – in 12-15 months. For the patients who lives outside of Istanbul the control between 6th and 9th month is very important.
8. Will my nose be very curved again and will my nose tip drop after surgery?
Nasal curvatures are generally divided into 3, cartilage curvature, bone curvature, and curvature in both structures. It should not be forgotten that these curvatures will not be corrected 100% in noses where there is a curvature in the cartilage structure, and a curvature between 10-20% may reappear. In the postoperative period, there is some drop (loss of rotation) in each nose tip. Therefore, the tip of the nose should be lifted 5-6 degrees more than the patient's will on the operating table. However, in some cases (such as cartilage weakness, very thick skin), the tip of the nose may fall more than planned. Patients who may experience this situation are given detailed information before surgery.
9. Can my breathing problems be solved with nasal aesthetics?
Before the surgery, your breathing problems due to nasal middle cartilage (septum) curvatures or bone curvatures can be solved at the same time with rhinoplasty surgery. However, this surgery is not the solution for your pre-surgery breathing problems caused by allergic rhinitis or concha (nasal concha).
10. When can I make an appointment as soon as possible?
Phone; +90 212 282 27 78
Whatsapp; +90 534 369 48 07